unistrut buffalo
December 07, 2020
See How Telespar Was Used To Make A Hunting Stand
Unlike Telespar telescoping tubing, which is specially designed and used for sign post applications, Telespar mechanical tubing can be used for industrial applications and a wide variety of weekend DIY projects. Below is a case study of how one of our customers took a simple wooden hunting stand design and recreated it by using Telespar mechanical tubing and Grip Strut Grating.
A One-of-a-Kind Hunting Stand
Our customer wanted to build a tree stand for hunting that would be heavy duty and could withstand the elements. Rather than using wood though,
November 23, 2020
DIY Unistrut Racks For A Perfect Storage Solution
We recently moved our Rooftop Support Systems (RTS) assembly and welding stations to the back corner of our new warehouse and because of this move, we needed a shelving system that could hold all of our Unistrut inventory and components that we use to build our rooftop systems. Our RTS assembler took some measurements and began sketching out a design for a set of Unistrut racks that were 8 feet tall and 10 feet wide. He then gathered all the necessary Unistrut channel, fittings and hardware and assembled three Unistrut racks. Below are the materials used along with the final design of the
November 06, 2020
As part of an ongoing effort to optimize product offerings and streamline the Unistrut Metal Framing product line, Unistrut has chosen to discontinue a number of products that are no longer in demand for most typical applications. This allows the company to maintain a sharp focus on production of the products that customers truly need, as well as shift some of their attention to the innovation of new products.
Unistrut part number "AEROSPRAY GR" is green touch-up paint used on cosmetic scratches to Perma-Green finish parts and channel. Unfortunately, due to difficulties in sourcing and transporting the aerosol spray-paint, as well as concerns about the limited shelf-life of the product, it became necessary to discontinue selling it. The good news is that a suitable replacement can be obtained from most local hardware stores.
Technical Information:
FHWA Highway Green Color Tolerance Chart, PR Color No. 4
October 26, 2020
Cush a Clamp Surpasses the Performance of Traditional Pipe Clamps
Cush a Clamp, as the name implies, is a cushioned pipe clamp. The cushion insert, which traditional pipe clamps lack, dampens shock and vibration, as well as prevents galvanic corrosion. The insert is made out of thermoplastic elastomer, which helps to extend the life of your pipe support system. The highly durable
October 12, 2020
Sikla siFramo Performs Like a Welded System, Yet Installs With A single Screw
Sikla siFramo 80 & 100's unique design allows you to build an adjustable structural framing system, without the need for cutting or welding steel framing members. The modular nature of the Sikla siFramo system’s components makes it a highly versatile and maximally efficient system to use.
Sikla siFramo Handles Greater Loads than Other Metal Framing Systems
Due to it’s the corrugated steel construction, Sikla's siFramo 80 & 100 channel lengths are
September 28, 2020
Food Grade Strut for Prevention of Food Contamination
Food Grade Strut was developed after food processing plants and commercial kitchens demanded a better, more sanitary, easier to clean solution to mount pipe and conduit on. Traditional methods for mounting included inferior materials and/or design, which led to increased instances of food contamination, fines and even shut downs, after failed inspections.
There are an infinite number of ways to mount pipes to walls or suspend them from ceilings, but to do it the right way requires a product that has been engineered specifically for the food service industry and clean room applications: Food Grade Strut.
Food Grade Strut is manufactured from
August 31, 2020
Unistrut Fiberglass Framing Provides a Robust Alternative to Traditional Metal Framing Systems
Fiberglass Unistrut Framing is a fully engineered and complete system, composed of fiberglass strut (fiberglass channel), fiberglass fittings, and hardware. Components perfectly integrate with each other, thus providing a system of support comparable to Unistrut's popular metal framing system.
Unistrut fiberglass framing enables users to build structural framing supports in areas where corrosive conditions exist, and a metal system would not be ideal. Designed as a
August 17, 2020
Unistrut Defender Provides Cost Effective Corrosion Resistance
Providing a service life between Hot-Dip Galvanized and stainless steel systems, Unistrut's Defender product line offers metal framing channel and hardware that stands up to harsh and corrosive environments. With three times more corrosion resistance than Hot-Dip Galvanized products, Unistrut Defender eliminates the need to constantly replace parts and allows you to avoid costly stainless steel hardware. The graph below shows the "Anticipated Service Life" of Unistrut Defender compared to traditional Hot-Dip Galvanized in a variety of different environments.
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